Magento programmatically creating attribute sets and attributes

What are attribute sets exactly? One of the best features Magento holds, is the definition of attribute sets for products as an extension of the EAV database architecture. As I've written previously the EAV models are based on entity-attribute-value relationships, thus making an entity dynamically scalable, without adding changes to the database structure, and maintaining integrity, without adding too much Continue reading

Memcached setup and optimization for different platforms

Have you ever wondered if query caching is enough? Well it isn't because not just data query results increase the load time of a webpage but also the data processing that requires computation power and processor time. What if your application is using the same object processing with no or minor data changes. Then the fastest way to handle this Continue reading

Magento optimization

As we presented previously Magento is the best open-source online shopping platform available on the market. So, what is the reason a big number of retailers still prefer hosted platforms or simpler solutions? To answer that I need to provide some details on the technical background of the platform. Magento is build using Zend Framework 1, which is a very Continue reading

Zend Framework 2 – what changes?

Zend Framework is one of the best open-source PHP frameworks on the market. It's the basis for Magento and other open-source and commercial platforms on the market which cover a wide range of needs: E-commerce Content Management Systems Multi-purpose portals APIs and specific endpoints High-data management With all this baggage in 2010 Zend Framework has barely reach its second library Continue reading

Magento – what’s the big deal?

One of the biggest markets in web development is the e-commerce market. Somewhere in the middle of the past decade retailers and wholesale operators have discovered that there's a place which can't be ignored any longer and that's the world wide web. Of course there were some that considered it was only a fad and they decided not to have Continue reading