About me

About Bodescu.me

My name is Darius-Sorin Bodescu. I am passionate about technology. My main focus is in web and mobile development and as my primary function I manage business development at MULTIDIMENSION.

I am also interested in new technologies and how they can be implemented to increase productivity and user experience.

I am 29 years old, graduate of the University Politehnica of Bucharest in computer science from the Applied Science Faculty.

I have started working as a developer since the 1st year of my university studies and I have since then went through all the necessary steps for deeply understanding the market:

  • frontend work (theming over Magento, Drupal, WordPress or custom PHP jobs)
  • backend development (open-source platform backend development, custom modules, MVC Frameworks, mastering OOP and EAV implementation)
  • project management (management of projects concerning PHP development)
  • company wide technical management (alongside managing projects I have maintained company wide IT resources)
  • business development management (alongside project management I have helped pushing forward company wide improvments and business strategy)

You can view more about my experience and interests at http://ro.linkedin.com/pub/bodescu-darius-sorin/86/244/972/

Why this blog?

I have considered it's time that I put in words as much as possible of my thoughts and of my inner work. Simply, so I no longer forget it and most important so that others can benefit from my experience.

The blog will provide both conceptual and technical resources. Please feel free to comment and request more information. I will do my best to help. Also please keep a nice behavior and help make the web a better place.

And as I always conclude:

Best regards,
Darius-Sorin Bodescu
Business Development Manager

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